Our Story

For years, Tammy Bodella lived an ordinary day-to-day life. She had no dreams or visions for a better life and simply accepted things as they were. But after experiencing God’s help through many of life’s challenges, she decided it was time to make a change. Tammy began to seek after God like never before. She started dreaming, and though her dreams seemed impossible, she leaned on scriptures like Romans 4:17, "God gives life to the dead and calls into being things that were not," and Habakkuk 2:2, "Write down the revelation and make it plain on tablets so that a herald may run with it."

Tammy made a list of goals—spiritually, physically, and financially—and once they were written down, she began to pursue them with determination. She has since realized that with God, nothing is impossible. From 2018 to 2022, Tammy owned and operated a very successful Mediterranean restaurant that featured baked goods. In 2023, she started an in-home bakery called ‘Tammy’s Cake Babies,’ which provided wonderful desserts to the public and many local businesses. Over the years, she has won many baking competitions and even placed 3rd in the quarterfinals of “The Greatest Baker” Competition, sponsored by Buddy Valastro, in 2023.

Tammy’s Heart

Tammy shares her testimony of what God has done in her life at every opportunity—whether it’s in a one-on-one conversation or in front of a large group. She knows firsthand what God can do when you align yourself with Him. Tammy is also the author of the children’s book “Under Angel Wings” and shared her story on the 700 Club television broadcast in September 2024.

“I am ready complete every assignment God has set before me, and I constantly seek to inspire others to believe for greater things.”

- Tammy Bodella

Under Angel Wings

In a world where understanding God's protection and forgiveness can sometimes feel complex, "Under Angel Wings" offers a refreshingly simple yet profound narrative that touches the hearts of both children and adults. Tammy weaves a captivating tale where an old swayback horse and a little bullfrog become unlikely guides, leading readers on a journey to grasp the depth of God’s love and the timeless truths of His word.

Through these endearing characters, "Under Angel Wings" brings to life the powerful message that God’s love and protection are always with us, even in the most unexpected places. The story is crafted to be accessible and meaningful for readers of all ages, making it an ideal book to share with your family or to explore on your own.

Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith or looking for a heartwarming story to share, "Under Angel Wings" is a book that will leave a lasting impact, reminding you of the beauty of God’s grace and the simplicity of His love.